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The painter of the trees Hans Mattis Teutsch

The painter of the trees
Hans Mattis Teutsch

Nicolas Eber
The essential subject of my present writing are the paintings and linocuts of Hans Mattis Teutsch and his until present not yet duly recognised and interpreted tree-representations. With regard to that the reader of these lines could soon raise the question, why am I going in that case here below to stay with the general discussion of anthropomorphism and especially with the representation of the animal word in humanised form in the literature and art-painting?

Franz Marc and the humanized portrayal of animals in painting

Franz Marc and the humanized portrayal of animals in painting

Nicolas Eber
The anthropomorphous character of the painting reproduced as figure 4 is entirely obvious and doubtless, whereby already its title alone reveals the relevant intention of the painter, namely the symbolization of the extreme cruelty of the war in question. He is thereby simultaneously delivering a clear proof of the fact that the anthropomorphous representation of animals in other context and in general is not unfamiliar to him.